Sunday, April 26, 2009

couldn't have said it better myself.

Thank you, Bob Dylan, for speaking for me and describing exactly how I feel in these last few days before David's return.

I feel a change comin on.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

retail therapy

Picture 119

I began packing earlier this week but only got serious this weekend when I boxed and bagged all of my clothes and shoes. In the process, I realized I'm moving to a older home which means a lot of charm but no closet space.

I'm starting to think we'll need to invest in this.

I'm sure David will just love the assembly thereof. Ah.. marital bliss.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

when you are engulfed in flames


I got to see the ever-charming and thought-provoking David Sedaris read at the Peace Center tonight. He shared some new work and I cannot wait to see how the pieces continue to shape with his wit and insight and how (and if) they end up published.

The best story of the night was a story of an Australian bird, a kookaburra, but it wasn't really about that at all. Instead, it was about life and hope and fear and failure and family and love and success and hurt and, amidst all of that, moving forward and onward. Which really, at this point, isn't that all that's left to do?

photo from elizabeth soule whose work, at least to me, is kind of about all of the above as well.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

counting days

RGW 03

This photo totally makes me think of Norfolk, which makes me think of how soon our lives are going to change, which in turn makes me day dream about drinking beers on the beach, eating crabs and oysters by the bay and being hip, young and in love.

Oh the life.

For those of you not moving and whose husbands are not returning in three weeks, you can just swoon over the vintage maps as wallpaper. I for one, will put it on the to do at least once list.

Photo (and many others that will make me daydream) from here.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

3 wishes


Consider yourself forewarned, this posting is going to come across as incredibly shallow, self involved, materialistic and less than attractive. Nonetheless, a girl's gotta be honest every once in awhile.

A few months ago, when thirty still felt fairly far off, I decided that I must own three things prior to the big birthday: a phone that checks email, my first pair of real designer sunglasses and a "grown up" watch. (And though there are many other things I want to achieve, among them a career with meaning, a healthy marriage and some type of plan for a family of our own, this is not the posting for that.)

Shortly after David left for Iraq, I found myself at the mall in the middle of a pity party, taking home a pair of Versace glasses that would make Nicole Ricci proud. A few months later, I took the plunge and got an iPhone and can honestly say that my life has much improved since. However, with my birthday only 6 months away and not many job opportunities in sight in Norfolk, I was about to throw in the towel when it came to a grown up watch. Just when I was ready to admit defeat, the new J Crew catalog arrived in the mail.

And though it is just a Timex, this might be just the answer to my third and final wish. And though it might just whet my appetite and tide me over for a few years, maybe adding the striped band to my shopping cart will prolong the satisfaction.