Wednesday, April 8, 2009

counting days

RGW 03

This photo totally makes me think of Norfolk, which makes me think of how soon our lives are going to change, which in turn makes me day dream about drinking beers on the beach, eating crabs and oysters by the bay and being hip, young and in love.

Oh the life.

For those of you not moving and whose husbands are not returning in three weeks, you can just swoon over the vintage maps as wallpaper. I for one, will put it on the to do at least once list.

Photo (and many others that will make me daydream) from here.


  1. I stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago and I love LOVE it. You should add the Follow Gadget so I can subscribe. :) Congrats on your hubs' homecoming!

  2. thanks for the shout out! i do think you can follow using the "subscribe to merely" widget on the right hand side under tags. no dice?
